The Space Shuttle: Flying for Me was launched on public television in June, 2014. A 60-minute documentary celebrating the highlights and achievements of the Space Shuttle program, the film is a tribute to the men and women who made space a livable and workable environment.
“While the Challenger and Columbia tragedies are forever burned in our memories, the program features many of the Shuttle’s greatest triumphs, including the Hubble Telescope and the International Space Station,” said Tim Weeks, producer, director and writer for TWAPictures. “But over this storied 30 year history, NASA and the astronaut corps also became more diversified as well, so anyone with a dream could imagine their future in space.”
The program includes interviews with dozens of astronauts and NASA program managers and flight directors that share the thrill and challenges of human space flight. “It’s far more than a historical film,” concluded Weeks. “It’s the closest thing to actually being there.”
Shuttle Flight Director and 47-year NASA veteran Milt Helfin calls Flying for Me “the best astronaut-based film he has ever seen.”
Check your local PBS listings for airdates. Announcement about DVDs and digital downloads coming soon.
For more information, visit American Public Television.
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